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Minimum Wage Has Increased – Are You Being Paid What You Should?

Minimum wage has increased – are you being paid what you should?

The national minimum wage increased from the beginning of this month, so workers should check their pay slips.

Employment law experts say wage theft is common at this time of year because employers forget to adjust their payrolls.

The minimum wage has increased

On 2 June 2023, the Fair Work Commission announced the increase to the national minimum wage following its Annual Wage Review.

From 1 July 2023, the minimum wage increased to $23.23 an hour (up from $21.38) or $882.80 a week (up $70.20 from $812.60).

The new rate is based on a 38-hour week for a full-time employee.

Casual employees entitled to the national minimum wage must receive a minimum $29.04 per hour, which includes their 25 percent casual loading.

The wage rates of workers covered by awards increased by 5.75 percent from the beginning of the month.

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Wage theft common

Meanwhile, industrial advocate Miles Heffernan said wage theft is common at this time of year.

“Many employers forget to adjust their payrolls at this time of year,” he said.

“It’s a good idea for workers to carefully check their pay slips and bank balances to ensure their boss is paying them the correct rate.”

Mr Heffernan said employees who are not being paid their proper wages and entitlements to seek urgent expert advice.

“We have an intimate knowledge of wage theft laws and have extensive experience helping workers recover their stolen wages,” he said.

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