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You showed up for work one day, and your boss promptly fired you. You were not exactly sure why and the manager really did not produce any good reasons. Still, you were ushered out of the building feeling as if you had been robbed of your employment. What can you do?

The first step in taking action against wrongful termination is filing an unfair dismissal claim. At Fair Work Claims, we support and represent you when you believe you have been unfairly dismissed from a job. You may be scared or uneasy, but we can take your case as far as it needs to go with the Fair Work Commission and get it resolved properly. If your employer does not play by the rules, we will help you obtain justice.

The Basics of Unfair Dismissal Claims in Australia

An unfair dismissal occurs when an employee is dismissed from their employment in an unjust, unreasonable, or harsh manner. Any employee who feels unfairly treated and sacked for no real reason is entitled to file an unfair dismissal claim. The Fair Work Commission decides on these types of cases, and various rules govern the filing of such claims. Fair Work Claims can assist you in pursuing a claim if you feel your termination is wrongful.

An employee has 21 days after the dismissal occurs to file unfair dismissal claims. Employees working for small business have to be employed for a year before they can apply for unfair dismissal. Other employees must have been on the job for at least six months before applying. If you are unsure whether or not you can file a claim, we can assist.

We Serve and Represent Our Clients

We are a high volume practice that represents workers in QLD, NSW, and all of Australia. We have a team of highly skilled and efficient advocates that serve our clients with fervor. They understand employment law inside out and take lots of pride in reaching favourable outcomes for our clients.

Often, our clients are afraid of taking on their employer. They feel like the little guy and believe there is no way they can take on their huge corporate employer. Fair Work Claims assist you in a way that shows that filing an unfair dismissal claim is not scary at all. We aggressively go after employers who choose to treat their workers poorly, and we do it together with our clients. We share in the risk and responsibility of battling against an employer.

At Fair Work Claims, we give you affordable access to justice. Our fees are structured on a results basis meaning you are not asked to pay up front. We accept the risk associated with your case and our fees are paid when we win together. Low-income earners need not worry. They have the same opportunities as anyone else when it comes to unfair dismissal claims in QLD.

If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, call Fair Work Claims on 1300 853 837. We can determine if your unfair dismissal claims in NSW are valid and proceed to take action against your employer.

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